Friday, October 10, 2008

Google RISE Awards—Due December 1, 2008

The Google RISE (Roots in Science and Engineering) Awards are designed to fund, promote and support science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), and computer science education in the United States. Non-profit organizations, and university computer science faculty, staff, and student organizations are encouraged to apply. Special consideration will be given to programs that impact students from communities with longstanding underrepresentation in computing and technology (women, African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, people with disabilities) and economically disadvantaged students

Programs ranging from formative ideas that explore learning concepts to fully tested models that are ready to be adopted and disseminated will be consider. Awarded funds may include a combination of monetary awards, volunteer resources, and in-kind donations with award amounts ranging from $500 - $15,000

Applications for 2009 funding are due December 1, 2008. Awards will be announced mid-January 2009

For more information, contact

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